-- Artist statement
The fabrication of spectacles is central to my image making process. By constructing ambiguous narratives, I turn my photographs into extended self-portraits of cultural memories. Fueled by my immigration experience of being a Chinese Canadian.
Born in Chengdu, Sichuan, China, I am a multidisciplinary artist currently living in Montreal. My work expresses my struggle between my inherent “Chinese-ness” and China as an alienated distant land from my childhood. This struggle is geographical but cultural. While finding alternative ways of representing memory, I create fictional utopian spaces and portraits through juxtaposing elements from hybrid Chinese and north American culture, subculture, combining everyday elements with cultural significant element in abstract constructed spaces. My work is mostly presented through photography with some video work. My editorial background influences my artistic work, conveyed mainly through digital manipulations of analogue images. The people in my photographs often appears as reflections of myself, but the dynamitic is still a collaborative one.
Through massive image consumptions I realized my relationship with China has became an exotic one. A highly stylized representation in which I try to find bits and pieces that reflect back to me.
Born in Sichuan, China. Feng Jiang's work is mostly based on memory and nostalgia, immigration, and queerness. He often uses imageries with a highly stylized color palette and an editorial approach to depict alienated lands with familiarity. seeing everyday life with a queer lens.
More information: www.feng-ish.com