Creative direction: Judy Gu Styling: Akina Chan Assistant: Nayake Model: Lynne
-- Artist statement
Inspired by the manufactured ideals, constructed expectations and the silent culture of Chinese upbringing. “Seen not Heard” explores intimate domestic relationships and one's relationship with self portrayed by the use of thread, stitched on the photographs.
Mary Chen is a Toronto based photographer trained in arts and editorial photography. By uniting techniques of cinematography, fashion and performance art, Chen’s photography reflects upon Asian culture within a Western context. In her work, Chen often deconstructs Asian identity by creating uncanny compositions with vivid colour palettes inspired by tacky conventions associated with mainland Chinese immigrant culture. Chen’s photography has been published in numerous digital and print publications around the world, including Milk (USA), Far-Near (New York), Nasty Magazine (Milan), Chroma Magazine (London), Knots Magazine (London), and Contributor Magazine (Stockholm/Paris/New York). Chen holds a BFA in Design from OCAD University (Toronto).
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